The Musicians Guide to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & Snapchat


Social media is a world of its own. Just when you thought you mastered one platform for music promotion, there are new features and updates constantly being created. It's quite overwhelming.

While mastering one social media platform is valuable, there are benefits to all of them as an aspiring musician. Each offers a unique advantage and a different strategy in regard to digital music promotion. So, if you haven't jumped on board for all four of these platforms, we think it's about time. How do you use each to its full potential? Here's how:


Find a balance between promotional and conversational

Compared to the other three platforms, Facebook can be used to post more informational content. With that said, there should be a fine line. Only creating posts to promote your upcoming gig or latest merch can get a bit redundant. But, finding a way to spark a conversation with your fans while informing them of your latest updates, well, that's a musician worth following.

ALWAYS include an image or video
Yes, the all caps is necessary. Why? Because photos get 53 percent more likes, 104% percent more comments and 84 percent more click-throughs on links than text-based posts, according to [Kissmetrics]( " target="_blank). But, don't just post a photo or video and think you'll automatically increase your reach. Be selective by only choosing photos and videos that your target fanbase will actually enjoy.

Be aware of grammar

On Facebook you aren't limited to character count like Twitter. So you have no reason to have improper grammar. Yes, it is social media, not a CNN article, so we understand if you are more laidback. Your fans may not be grammar gurus, but you will come across as putting in more effort if you attempt to keep it somewhat professional.

Utilize Facebook tools

Are you an artist or band based in the Midwest? You may want to strategically target your posts to followers in that area of the country. Or if you're playing a show in New Jersey, it'd be wise to specifically target fans in the Tri-state region for a specific post. Using Facebook's geo-targeting tool when creating a post allows you to decide who receives your post. Not sure who to target your posts to? []( " target="_blank) analytics can help you determine who and where your fans are.

Another tool to utilize on Facebook is scheduling posts. If you think you will be busy on tour or hard at work in the studio for a brief period, scheduling your posts allows you to write them at a less hectic time. But, make sure your posts remain relevant.

If you have an upcoming tour or a new album release, instead of constantly posting about it, you can pin the post to the top of your Facebook page. That way, it's the first thing followers see when they click your page.


Upload a clip of your song directly

Instead of posting an image with a link to your video, post a short video of your song directly. This way, your followers can listen right on **Instagram **without having to click the link. Doing this makes it easier for fans to discover your music. Don't neglect the link, however. Be sure to include it in your caption as well. Tip: Use []( " target="_blank) to shorten your link.

Utilize your bio

Be sure to include a link in your bio. This could be a link to your latest release or simply to your website. Just as important as including a link is strategically writing your bio. Come up with a catchy line or way to show your personality. Also, let followers know what type of music you create right away in your bio.

Make your posts are cohesive

Your Instagram account should look clean and on brand. When a fan or potential follower views your account, it should look aesthetically pleasing. After all, Instagram is the platform solely for photos. This could be done by using similar filters or photo angles.


Embed your song into the post

Similar to Instagram, don't just include the link to your song in the post. Upload the song directly into the post. When people are searching for new music, they don't have to leave Twitter to listen to your song. Give them the option to listen and then learn more.

Tag people to promote your music, but don't spam
Nothing looks more desperate than being that artist who takes over a hashtag or sends their music to every music account. Be selective and strategic. Capitalize on relevant hashtags, but don't annoy your followers.

**Conversation is key
**On Twitter, creating a conversation is everything. The best way to do this is to respond to your fans posts as well as create engaging content for them to engage with. Don't just stop at your followers, search hashtags and music influencers to contribute in the online conversation. An easy way to do this is to retweet interesting music articles or promoting other independent artists you love. Tip: Don't forget to tag them.
A great tactic is to announce an exclusive Q&A session with your fans. Choose a brief timeframe for fans to tweet you questions using a hashtag and be sure to respond in a timely manner.


Be exclusive

What makes **Snapchat ** different from the other platforms is the content isn't permanent. You can post a photo that will disappear forever. This makes the content that you post more exclusive than on other platforms. Your fans will love seeing photos that other people may not see. This could be done by posting a daily photo for fans to look forward to.

Be personal

Send your fans behind the scenes photos that you wouldn't normally post on your other accounts. This could be done with a private snap or hold a contest that offers a personal photo not featured on your story. Just keep in mind, while the photo is not permanent, don't post anything that can hinder your image.

While each platform requires different best practices, make sure all four are consistent with your image and brand. Be strategic with what you post and most importantly be interactive. Unlike traditional promotional tools, social media offers you a way to build relationships with your fans, so do just that.

What tips do you have to offer for promoting your music on social media? Share with us in the comments below or on Twitter at [@featurefm]( " target="_blank).