Medical music? 3 ways that seemingly simple songs help heal

Everyone loves music for its entertaining properties. In fact, music is often times the focal point of a party as it controls the mood of the crowd. Whether it's electronic dance music at a club or relaxing jazz at a wine and cheese event, music often sets the tone for a night. But did you know that music and musical instruments have the ability to heal the mind and body? Check out three of the ways that music has the power to help heal below!

  1. Scientists have concluded that music and rhythm can actually alter the way the brain functions. Movement paired with music helps the brain develop patterns that the body can begin to naturally acquire. Recent Studies show how the brains of pianists are actually more effecient than the brains of everyone else. These new patterns create body awareness and mind control that also benefit mentally challenged individuals and help them lead better lives. Furthermore for diseases like autism, where the patient may have verbal and vocal impairments, music words and tunes can actually teach the brain to repeat the tasks it is listening to which can actually improve the verbal or auditory skill set of the patient.

  1. For diseases that impair the motor skills of those affected, such as down syndrome or cerebral palsy, the rhythm of music paired with movements derived from dancing, teach the brain movement patterns, and build strength and endurance. Areas that may be specifically targeted within movement are posture, stride regulation, turning, and balance. Research shows that tango dancing, paired with songs that typically accompany that genre of dancing have been most effective in the development of skills for patients. The movements actually target parts of the brain, and help build and strengthen them, in order to rehabilitate the patient.

  1. Music and dancing lead to activity in a region in the brain that contains a hormone called dopamine. Dopamine is the main neurotransmitter that Parkinson’s disease patients lack, which makes initiating movements and balancing difficult tasks. Music stimulates the part of the brain where most dopamine cells are located, allowing the potential for this region to create more of the dopamine neurotransmitters, and therefore easier movement and balance. Truly amazing.

The fact that music is healing people around the world is astonishing. Music is no longer just for the purpose of enjoyment. Modern science has unlocked music’s true potential and the results are already visible. Around the world, neurological musical therapy is becoming a new and effective way to handle various diseases. In the near future, scientists will be able to identify which specific types of music help cure different diseases and hopefully transform this healing method into an extremely effective treatment. In a few years, a new genre of music “healing music”, will become prevalent, and the power of music will truly become unlocked!

The team brainstormed their favorite songs that they find therapeutic. Enjoy!

  1. Teakwood Betz by Perpetual Groove
  1. Soul to Squeeze by Red Hot Chili Peppers
  1. If You Forget Me by RAC feat. Liset Alea
  1. The Veldt - Deadmau5 feat. Chris James
  1. Little Wing - Stevie Ray Vaughan